Collective Leadership

According to Wikipedia, “Collective leadership is a distribution of power within an organisational structure. It is considered an ideal form of ruling a communist party, both within and outside a socialist state.”

How does it work? Collective leadership is driven by mutual respect, shared knowledge and complementary strengths. The team is often lead by several people who share a powerful vision and is centred around trust, transparency and effective communication. Everyone takes responsibility for the success of the team. Decisions are shared and personal authority is based on knowledge and strengths.

Why do we need it? Knowledge sharing avoids silos, change and innovation occurs more rapidly and better decisions through open feedback encourages participation. Individuals have the opportunity to create their own solutions, using their respective motivations and shared responsibility reduces pressure for all involved. Using an individual’s strength and talents helps them develop expertise, knowledge and skills aligned with areas of responsibility.  

When people are involved in developing team goals they are more likely to take ownership. Motivation and productivity increase as each individual is given the opportunity to make decisions and develop solutions – leading to a sense of purpose.   Multiple and diverse inputs ensures the results are maintained and continued. This minimises the risk of knowledge and skills being lost if one person leaves the group.  

How can we implement a collective leadership style? Firstly, realise that it is a complicated process, due to the need to blend passion with accountability, engagement with strategy, innovation with discipline. This requires patience to develop the type of culture and environment that will establish a collective leadership. Start with shared goals and objectives, cultivate a sense of belonging, encourage employees to participate in strategy development.

Your vision must be clear around purpose and goals, establish trust amongst your employees and peers and ascertain whether the group of individuals involved in the process are capable to support the agreed goals and objectives. When properly cultivated, shared goals become a reality and the people involved will develop products and services that they are proud to be a part of.

If you are interested in collective leadership, creating and inspiring quality relationships, developing trust and motivation, then it’s time you considered visiting Picnic Point Toastmasters.  We meet at 7pm every 1st and 3rd Tuesday at Club Picnic Point – 124 Lambeth Street, Panania.  

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” –Helen Keller

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