Toastmasters Training

Have you wondered how you could improve your staff’s communication and leadership skills on an ongoing basis? The new Toastmasters training program, Pathways, is a great place to start. Pathways is an online program that starts with an assessment to meet each member’s individual needs and to enable them to become better and more confident communicators and leaders. The various projects focus on practical skills like Team Collaboration which covers subjects like “Understanding Your Leadership Style” and “Motivate Others”.  

There are 11 different paths with more being added every year. When you join Toastmasters you receive a login to the Toastmasters International website, which is where the Pathways program resides. After completing the assessment you will be presented with the the best matched path and an additional 2 paths as alternative choices, if you are not keen on the best match. Although you are free to select one of the remaining 8 paths if these alternatives don’t suit you.  

The Pathways program has 5 levels, each capitalising on the previous. Subsequent levels are progressively harder than its predecessor and the online lessons give the member a comprehensive explanation for each project. There are common core subjects, commencing with the “Icebreaker” (the first project in level 1) and “Introduction to Toastmasters Mentoring” (a project in level 2) and specialised subjects like “Develop a Communication Plan”.  

For those members who are keen to pursue mentoring, there is a separate path, “Pathways Mentor Program”, which is made available once you complete level 2. The program is comprised of three projects that must be completed sequentially. The projects cover a range of topics from understanding your role as a mentor through to a comprehensive assignment that includes a mentoring commitment lasting six months. All projects are evaluated with personalised specific feedback.

A range of tutorials and resources are available for downloading, including 360o Evaluations as well as supportive documentation, like the Navigator – which gives the new member an overview of Toastmasters and the Pathways program. Members receive an award for completing each level as well as completing each path (all 5 levels). The highest educational designation you can earn as a member is the Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) award, given to those who complete two paths, serve in specific volunteer leadership roles and complete the “Distinguished Toastmaster” project.

Pathways is Toastmasters comprehensive training program designed to improve communication, leadership and interpersonal skills. During the meetings you are learning each skill set by following the curriculum and practising different types of speaking, listening and facilitation skills. In addition, leadership activities like motivating others, planning meetings and marketing as well as interpersonal skills are practised in a safe and supportive environment.  

Interested to learn more about Toastmasters and the Pathways training program? Join us at Picnic Point Toastmasters. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7pm at Club Picnic Point – 124 Lambeth Street, Panania.  

Social Communication

Our digital world has made it easier that ever to keep in touch, social media and the use of mobile phones is on the rise. But how effective is this form of communication? This casual form of written communication can be misinterpreted without the subtle nuances of body language and vocal variety. And it is more time consuming than a verbal conversation. However, it seems to be the preferred form of communicating in our modern world. Why? It’s convenient and can lead to face-to-face meetings. Social media is a very efficient if you need to broadcast to a wide audience. There are opportunities to join like-minded groups and alleviate loneliness, particularly for the socially isolated. It’s a great tool for networking, giving instant global communication and can promote loyalty. News feed customisation, business opportunities and general communication are easily facilitated. It’s a low cost way to manage campaigns, complete market research and combines marketing with customer service. It facilitates Search Engine Optimisation, promotes content and provides ample data as a feedback mechanism.

On the flip-side we can become overwhelmed buy the volume of information. And what about privacy? There are ways to protect yourself but there is always the risk of account hacking and data leakage. Then there’s information ownership. Does the social media site own the content or do you? Being conscious of sharing your geological location or private information that can be exploited. Cyber bullying can lead to depression and anxiety. Over reliance of online interaction leading to anti-social behaviour – including using the mobile phone whilst driving and constant checking whilst in the company of others. Not to mention an inactive lifestyle, sleep disruption and wasting time. If used for business you will spend an inordinate amount of time posting, dealing with complaints and other non-marketing issues. The lack of control after posting, changes in facebook and twitter algorithms, and the spread of fake news all demonstrate the perils of social media.

Where does social communication fit in the “off-line world”? This relates to when and how you should talk, using gestures and facial expressions. Social communication skills is associated with using language to engage with others, such as making a request. We often change our language to suit the audience or situation. Consider the difference between how you address your boss versus how you address your child. Or when discussing a topic with people who are well versed in the subject compared with an audience who is not au fait with the subject matter. Other rules, such as taking turns speaking, using eye contact, keeping a comfortable distance when speaking face-to-face, remaining on topic, focusing on the other person, and using alternative language to explain what you mean – particularly when you are misunderstood. Then there is the added challenge of understanding what is appropriate in other cultures versus your own culture.

The common link between online and off-line social communication is the opportunity to share information and experiences with others. At least, that’s the perception. In reality, studies suggest that social media platforms distort communications, make it difficult to share thoughts and have a negative impact on people’s social skills. Then there is the noticeable decrease in quality of our daily interpersonal relationships. People are more concerned with creating the perception of having fun rather than creating new experiences in the real world. Furthermore, there is the added issue of people comparing their “bland lives” with their friends’ posts, not realising that – more often than not – their friends’ lives are just as bland.

There is a marked difference in the quality of interpersonal communication since the advent of social media. The common use of shorthand in social media platforms (‘brb’, ‘lol’, ‘m8’, etc) is less effective in real life communication leading to an increase in illiteracy. Poor use of grammar and syntax leads to ineffective communication and an inability to form complex ideas into words. Written language requires clarity, proper use of grammar and syntax, correct spelling and use of vocabulary.

Social communication includes social interaction, where we adjust our communication style based on who we are interacting with. It offers the opportunity to explore and exchange ideas, assists with building relationships, critical thinking and public speaking. The ability to speak in public is an important skill which will enhance your social communication. And it’s a great confidence booster. Public speaking teaches you how to structure what you are going to say in a clear and concise manner. You will learn effective ways to communicate your ideas, make new social connections and expand your professional network. Other benefits includes developing your vocabulary and becoming a better listener.

Ready to improve your social communication skills? Visit Picnic Point Toastmasters! We meet at 7pm every 1st and 3rd Tuesday at Club Picnic Point – 124 Lambeth Street, Panania.

“Electric communication will never be a substitute for the face of someone who with their soul encourages another person to be brave and true. “ ~ Charles Dickens

Toastmasters New Year’s Resolution

According to Wikipedia, a New Year’s resolution is a tradition, most common in the Western Hemisphere but also found in the Eastern Hemisphere, in which a person resolves to change an undesired trait or behaviour, to accomplish a personal goal or otherwise improve their life. Who started this custom and why?

The ancient Babylonians are said to have been the first people to make New Year’s resolutions, some 4,000 years ago. They were also the first to hold recorded celebrations in honour of the new year, which was held in mid-March, when crops were planted. The Babylonians crowned a new king or reaffirmed their loyalty to the reigning king during 12-day religious festival known as Akitu, where they made promises to the gods to pay their debts and return any objects they had borrowed. These promises could be considered the forerunners of our New Year’s resolutions.

A similar practice occurred in ancient Rome, when Julius Caesar tinkered with the calendar and established January 1 as the beginning of the new year in circa 46 B.C. The month was named after Janus, the two-faced god whose spirit inhabited doorways and arches. Believing that Janus symbolically looked backwards into the previous year and ahead into the future, the Romans offered sacrifices to the deity and made promises of good conduct for the coming year. For early Christians, the first day of the new year became the traditional occasion for thinking about one’s past mistakes and promising to do better in the future.

Today, we no longer make promises to the gods, but to ourselves – usually to kick our goals pertaining to self improvement. Yet, only 8% of us follow through. One of the most popular New Year’s resolutions is to learn a new skill or hobby. If you have been thinking about improving your communication skills and meeting like-minded people then there is no time like the present to join Toastmasters. Besides making new friends and working on a new skill, you will become more confident. Face your fears and insecurities surrounding public speaking. Give yourself the opportunity to use your free time in a constructive manner and pick up new skills while having fun at the same time.

Ready to keep that New Year’s Resolution? Why not join us this Tuesday at Picnic Point Toastmasters to start off your new year resolution?

We meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7pm at Club Picnic Point – 124 Lambeth Street, Panania.

Communication Opportunities

The opportunity to communicate your value is a fundamental need for all human beings. We communicate to fulfill basic needs socially, emotionally and vocationally. It lies at the heart of who we are. No matter the activity, we are always engaging in some form of communication. Without communication our world would be a lonely and chaotic place. How would we improve if we couldn’t communicate with our teachers? Where would experiments and inventions take place if we couldn’t communicate our intentions? How would we share ideas or collaborate? Without communication progress would cease. And so would society.  

So it stands to reason that we are surrounded by opportunities to communicate. How do we chose the right communication style? Or the right time? It is normally dictated by the circumstances we find ourselves in and the target audience. Consider the different communities we come across in our lives.  Each has it’s own style of communication which is why we often find communication a challenge.  These communities give us the opportunities to understand our audience and adapt our communication style. Imagine you are trying to explain a new concept to someone who has no background in what you are about to explain to them. There has to be a shared context before there is shared understanding. How do you bridge that gap? Only by finding the same context can ensure mutual understanding. And therein lies the opportunity…

If we strive for effective communication we are striving for better relationships in our personal and professional life. We achieve a sense of belonging and collaboration by listening to build trust and understanding. You don’t get a second chance to make a good first impression. What constitutes effective communication? Firstly, being a a good listener. Focus on what is being said, clarify  through open and closed questions( eg: When you said …….. what did you mean?”). Reflect on what is being said by paraphrasing (using your own words to reflect what the speaker has said) and mirroring (repeat key words or the last few words spoken). In addition to paraphrasing and mirroring, you need to reflect the speaker’s feelings and emotions. Combining content with feelings and emotions will truly reflect the speaker’s intention.  

Consider these ten principles of effective listening the next time you communicate with another person:

  1. Stop talking
  2. Focus on the speaker
  3. Put the speaker at ease
  4. Focus on what is being said and avoid distractions
  5. Empathise
  6. Be patient
  7. Avoid personal prejudice
  8. Listen to the tone and volume
  9. Listen for ideas – not just words
  10. Wait and watch for non-verbal communication

Interested to learn more? Take the opportunity to improve your communication skills by visiting Picnic Point Toastmasters. We meet at 7pm every 1st and 3rd Tuesday at Club Picnic Point – 124 Lambeth Street, Panania.

What’s Your Truth?

Do you have a message you would like to share with like-minded thinkers? Does the fear of public speaking stop you in your tracks? This kind of thinking stems from how you feel when faced with public speaking. The fear is based on feeling threatened, so your body responds with a kind of anxiety. This anxiety can be mild; you may feel a little tense, your heart may be racing or maybe you are breathing rapidly.

Where does this anxiousness come from? Most likely, the fact that you are standing on your own in front of an audience who may reject you. Yet, this fear is often unfounded. How can you overcome this fear of public speaking? Know your truth. What are you passionate about? Are you committed to your truth? Does your truth reflect your preferences? Take the time to consider your position. As individuals, we often forget who we are whilst we are busy living up to others expectations.

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When you accept who you are it shows up as confidence, and this confidence is carried across when you present to others. Who are you? Let this person shine through your presentation. Focusing on your truth and speaking with passion naturally leads to an energised delivery which will engage your  audience. Whilst you remain focused on your delivering your message, you will be more insightful and will automatically use inclusive language. Why is this important? Inclusive language means you are using collaborative words which helps the audience engage with you. Your community-minded approach ensures that people are listening to and absorbing your message.

The first steps to knowing your truth and expressing it starts with you. Before you present, take the time to prepare your presentation, learn what you can about the audience, relax before the presentation, and above all, practice with passion and enthusiasm. Focus on the message and delivery. Once you are in front of that audience use your passion, share your best insights and use collaborative language.

To speak your truth is to live your truth. Living your truth is all about balance, respect, self-validation, being honest and knowing that your value is not dependent on others. When you speak your truth you won’t be bothered by negative thoughts regarding your credibility as a speaker or your lack of experience. Your confidence will grow with preparation and practice. Use a relaxation technique to get you into a calm state, give yourself plenty of time to prepare your presentation, focus on communicating your message and seek out opportunities to speak more often.

Ready to speak your truth? Consider visiting Picnic Point Toastmasters to learn about our proven system that teaches you the basics of public speaking and communication.  We meet at Club Picnic Point, 124 Lambeth St, Panania on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7pm.

Toastmasters Open House

Toastmasters is all about helping people overcome their fears of public speaking. The program is designed to allow each member to progress through the individualised program at his or her own pace. If you have never experienced a Toastmasters meeting then consider coming along to an open house meeting. There will be laughter, surprises and entertainment of the speaking variety!

What does it entail? An experienced speaker with an irresistible topic, a good explanation of Toastmasters, and an invitation to visit or join. This event is more than a special occasion….. it’s an experience!

open house

When you arrive at a Toastmasters Open House you will be greeted warmly. The event will last anywhere between 1 to 2 hours, depending on the length of the regular meeting. It’s a fun, casual and relaxed event where guests can ask questions, meet members and get a feel for the club’s culture. The meeting opens with a brief introduction from the club president and then the meeting is turned over to the Toastmaster (Master of Ceremonies).

The experienced speaker will then present, and the audience is allowed time to critique the speaker, this is followed by a fun segment called “Table Topics” – similar to Trivia nights at your local club. Anyone and everyone is encouraged to participate in Table Topics. Finally, a few members give a short overview of their Toastmasters experience.

Then we get to party! Food and drink is provided as Toastmasters mingle with guests. Guests are presented with an information packet at the end of the event and invited to join up or visit the club if they need more information. Why not visit your local Toastmasters to find out more?

If you are keen to learn how Toastmasters can help you with you public speaking goals there’s no need to wait for an open house. And if you happen to be in our neck of the woods on a Tuesday evening we would be honoured to have you as our guest at Picnic Point Toastmasters.

We meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7pm at Club Picnic Point – 124 Lambeth Street, Picnic Point. Our house is always open…..

Public Engagement

Transparent and honest business practice is valued above everything else….open communication regarding any issues identified help reinforce our branding. Public relations goes beyond media relations. The public wants us to be engaged with them. What does this mean? It means selling our product in a way that benefits the public.

Let’s start with culture. Whenever a visitor joins our meeting our culture is on display. Our shared values, belief systems, attitudes and the set of assumptions that we share form our club culture. A positive culture improves teamwork, raises morale and enhances membership retention. It encourages collaboration and trust, motivates members to work on their goals and ensures that respect and integrity are at the forefront of everything we do.

Our club culture is a reflection of club leadership. Is the executive committee dedicated to finding new and better ways to support, serve and adapt to the needs of the members? Are members actively engaged in promoting Toastmasters as the expert in the fields of communication and leadership? Are the programs adaptable for different generations and cultures, and for emerging technologies? How can we create alliances with the public? Start by leveraging relationships with individuals outside of Toastmasters.

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As members, we are the representatives of Toastmasters International. This gives us a tremendous opportunity to be a successful brand ambassador.

What do you need to do to be a successful brand ambassador? Firstly, be authentic. People will trust you if you are seen to be real and open. If you are open people will automatically feel relaxed and more accepting of you and what you have to say.

Secondly, take a look at your online presence. As a Toastmasters ambassador you have the opportunity to use your online presence to promote your club. Always maintain a high level of professionalism. We can take advantage of feedback and remain responsible when networking online. Social media can reflect the best and worst aspects of networking as our written communication can be easily misinterpreted, leading to a potential hazard which can affect the Toastmasters brand.

Using our leadership skills will reflect positivity and confidence which, in turn, demonstrates our passion for Toastmasters and helps us to establish and grow relationships. Focus on the feedback you receive, then use it to improve your communication when engaging the public. We can maximise the benefits to potential members by understanding public concerns and expectations and responding to these needs in a timely fashion. With a little planning, scoping and analysis, you will involve the right people through your networking, tweak your communication to engage the public and develop your communication and leadership skills.

Interested to learn more? Visit Picnic Point Toastmasters! We meet at 7pm on every 1st and 3rd Tuesday at Club Picnic Point – 124 Lambeth Street, Picnic Point, NSW 2213. We look forward to meeting you!

Communication Strategy

Do you have a communication strategy? Do you need one? A communication strategy is usually associated with business, but have you considered a personal communication strategy? Taking the time to develop a personal communication strategy will help you to get your message across more effectively. No doubt you have witnessed some communication faux pas in your time, perhaps you have been guilty of committing them…. Yet, there are some simple steps you can take to ensure your words convey what you really mean.

Firstly, how clear is your objective? What are you trying to achieve? Are you looking to inform or persuade your audience? Are you expecting them to take some kind of action as a result of your message? Secondly, have you clearly identified who your audience is? This is crucial, as you need to tailor your message to suit the audience whilst ensuring that your objective remains intact.  Next, consider how you will express your communication. Will you be presenting in person, creating a blog, emailing, or posting on social media? What about a podcast, forum or YouTube?


Once you have decided on the objective, identified the target audience and settled on the form of communication your next step is to tailor the message in a way that is short and simple. If you have done your homework you will have an idea of your audience’s perspective. Take note of their response, this feedback will either confirm that you are on the right track or that you need to change your delivery. This exchange between you and your audience will enhance your understanding and provide you with the next steps. What can you learn from this experience? What would you do differently to improve the connection between you and your audience?

Reflecting on the delivery and audience reaction will give you insight into what you are doing well and where the opportunities lie. Could you have chosen better words? If there is any ambiguity in your message? What about the tone of your voice or writing? If there is room for interpretation then you may need to adjust your delivery. Sincerity is key. If there is any doubt in your audience’s mind you will lose their trust in you. People will care about you when you show them that you care about them. Don’t forget that communication is more than the words that come tumbling out of your mouth or keyboard.

When speaking in front of an audience you need to keep a check on your non-verbal cues, such as body language, gesturing, facial expressions, eye contact, arm and leg posture. These unconscious cues will inform your audience whether you are engaged with the topic and the audience or whether you are just going through the motions. And if you are addressing an audience of mixed cultures or travelling overseas be sure to familiarise yourself with what is acceptable and what may be considered disrespectful.

Lastly, be a good listener. Often, we are so eager to express ourselves that we don’t take the time to tune out the distractions and truly connect with our audience. Yet, this skill helps you build relationships, ensures you understand one another and resolves conflicts. Maintaining appropriate eye contact is the first step to good listening skills and take note of non-verbal cues. Be attentive, keep an open mind and concentrate on what the other person is saying. Don’t interrupt, wait for the speaker to pause before responding or asking clarifying questions. Use empathy to connect with the other person, this means you are allowing yourself to feel what the other person is feeling, taking your listening skills to another level. And remember to give regular feedback to reflect your understanding. For example, you might comment with “You seem very pleased with the outcome” or “What a terrible experience”. This type of feedback demonstrates that you are listening and are following their line of thinking.

If you are still unsure about developing a personal communication strategy and are looking for some guidance and a chance to practice in a supportive environment then consider speaking to us at Picnic Point Toastmasters. We meet at 7pm every 1st and 3rd Tuesday at Club Picnic Point – 124 Lambeth Street, Panania.

How Mentoring Impacts Us

Have you ever thought that you could benefit from mentoring?  It’s probably not the first thing to pop into your mind until a particular situation arises, like “What do I need to do to progress my career?”.  We often look to our managers or friends for advice and guidance but have you thought to look to someone else in your circle?  Or perhaps you need to look elsewhere?  How can you decide? Start with a clear idea of what you want to focus on. Often we receive feedback at work through regular appraisals.  Consider the areas highlighted for improvement as a good place to start.

Once you have decided on what you want to focus on look for someone who has the same experience you are looking for. The mentor can provide you with information, stimulate ideas and provide you with opportunities to experience first hand what is required to move forward. A mentor will guide you in other areas you had not considered as they will see opportunities for improvement that you will not be aware of.

The mentor will help you to create a “better you” through probing questions, some which may require you to go away and think about how you could answer these questions in line with your goal.  A good mentor will set you various tasks or goals to stretch you and see how you go about tackling them. These opportunities to will teach you a lot about who you are and how you like to develop. It also helps the mentor to learn about what works for you and what doesn’t.  This helps the mentor decide on what the next project should entail to move you towards achieving your goal.

Other benefits include working on your values, leadership skills and character.  The mentor will encourage and guide you through the toughest assignments and help you to achieve more than you could imagine.  This often requires a kind of tough love to help instil the right habits and eventually create the self-discipline and self-motivation you need to prioritise your tasks and realise your goals. Your mentor is someone who you can discuss ideas with, receive honest feedback and make sounds decisions with.  They are your trusted advisor and often can connect you to other parties to help you progress.

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Their knowledge and experience can teach you the mistakes to avoid, and often, the quickest route to achieving your desired outcome.  Although a mentor work for free, their guidance is priceless.  Show them the respect they deserve by checking in with your mentor from time to time.  Let them know how you are progressing, show them that you appreciate their time and support. It’s up to you to build a relationship with your mentor.

The lifespan of skills have shortened over the years, now more than ever we need mentors to help us move forward in our careers. How does mentoring impact us? It impacts us in positive ways by building a bridge between where you are now and where you want to be next. In the words of Lailah Gifty Akita: “Every great achiever is inspired by a great mentor”.

Ready to move move forward with your career aspirations?  Become a  member of Picnic Point Toastmasters. Your appointed mentor will guide and support you through the Toastmasters program, improving your leadership and communication skills. The Toastmasters program offers a self-paced mentoring program that will take you from mentee to mentor.  So what are you waiting for? Picnic Point Toastmasters meet at 7pm every 1st and 3rd Tuesday at Club Picnic Point – 124 Lambeth Street, Panania.

Sources of Inspiration

Sources of inspiration can be found all around us. Consider people, like Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci and Aristotle or places like Angkor Wat in Cambodia, Lake Hillier in Western Australia or Machu Picchu in Peru. We are inspired by music, art, poetry, films, speeches…. Why? Often, these sources of inspiration reflect our personal motto which are influenced by our beliefs and values and can help us achieve our goals.

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How do we find inspiration within ourselves? How can we foster it in others? We can start with our personal motto. Your perspective on life is reflected in your personal motto, and this can help you achieve your goals.  Creating a life which fulfils you can lead to personal success and happiness. When we feel inspired we feel motivated to follow through, making choices that help you to attain your long-held dreams.

Inspirational quotes like “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall” by Confucius or “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear” by Nelson Mandela remind us that inspiration is the most important leadership trait. Inspiration is the internal passion that fills us with purpose, drives our determination to succeed and infuses us with energy to continue, no matter how difficult the situation.

Why is the ability to be inspiring so important? Because this is the trait of influence. How can you influence others? By using a number of strategies that the most effective leaders use. These include having a clear vision, clear mission, and clear values. Creating achievable goals that stretch you and your team., working collaboratively, encouraging self-development, acting with integrity, using open communication, listening to and acknowledging others.

Inspiration is the first step towards change. Believing something is possible can be the catalyst that propels someone towards their goal. Your stories, ideas and visions could contain the solution to overcome some obstacles or plant the seed for a new product or service.  How can you be an inspiration to others?  By taking the first step towards your goal and setting the example.

At Picnic Point Toastmasters we are inspired to help you achieve your communication and leadership skills in our warm, friendly and supportive environment.  We meet at 7pm every 1st and 3rd Tuesday at Club Picnic Point – 124 Lambeth Street, Panania.